Organizational Effectiveness Survey©

This is a shortened version of Quantisoft's Organizational Effectiveness Survey. Two questions are shown in each section to illustrate the types of questions included in the survey.

Organizational Effectiveness Surveys/Online Organizational Effectiveness Surveys are customized to meet your organization's specific needs.

To learn more about the Organizational Effectiveness Survey/Online Organizational Effectiveness Survey please click on the following link:

Organizational Effectiveness Survey Information

Overview and Instructions

Thank you for participating in this Organizational Effectiveness Survey. Your answers and those of your colleagues will help us to better understand the importance of critical drivers of sustainable growth and success in our business and evaluate how well our organization is performing in each of these critical success areas.

This survey consists of a series of statements about key organizational business success drivers. In answering each question, think about how it impacts your "bottom-line results". Please answer these two questions by clicking the appropriate radio button.

  1. What is the importance of this key area to your organization (i.e., that level of your company with which you are most closely associated, e.g., entire enterprise, business unit, etc.)?
  2. How effective is your organization's performance in this key area?

Your input is completely anonymous. All of your answers will be aggregated with the answers from other managers in our company.

Your time and comments are sincerely appreciated. Your answers will be used to identify and address opportunities for increasing organizational effectiveness for our employees and customers. Where you have suggestions for improvements, please include them with your comments.

Use the scroll bar to move through the survey questions and then click on the button next to your response.

Submit your survey by clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of this page.

If you have questions, please e-mail them to info@quantisoft.com.

Section 1: Strategy
  1. Aligning and executing strategies in a way that meets financial goals and is consistent with core values
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Focusing people and organizations on identifying and meeting customer expectations
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 2: Leadership
  1. Engaging people to achieve organizational objectives
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Building leadership capacity for now and the future
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 3: Culture
  1. Enhancing workplace, productivity and performance culture
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Strengthening the culture of collaboration, resiliency, and adaptation to change
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 4: Innovation
  1. Encouraging and nurturing innovative thinking and behaviors
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Turning innovations and promising ideas into business successes
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 5: Structures, Systems, and Processes
  1. Building organizational systems and structures that support people (vs. frustrating them) as they do their work
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Sharing essential business knowledge across organizations and functions
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 6: Skills and Competencies
  1. Targeted, high-impact development of people
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Building skills for innovation and flexibility in the workforce
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 7: Performance Measures and Reward Systems
  1. Developing productive, performance-based work environments
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Collecting and using data about day-to-day operations to monitor the organization's strategy
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 8: Environmental, Sustainability and Responsibility
  1. Assessing our company's risks relative to our impact on natural resources and the environment
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  
  2. Ensuring accountability for business ethics among employees at all levels
    Importance:       Very important   Somewhat important   Neutral   Somewhat unimportant   Very unimportant   Don't know  
    Effectiveness:   Very effective   Somewhat effective   Neutral   Somewhat ineffective   Very ineffective   Don't know  

Section 9: Additional Comments
  1. This survey brings your comments to the attention of senior management. With that in mind, is there anything else you would like to tell them?

Section 10: About You (Demographics)

Your responses will be used for categorization only and they will be kept in confidence.

  1. What is your functional area? (if more than one, select "General Management")
  2. What is your level of management?
    Executive management   Middle management   Other  
  3. What is your location?
    United States   Outside the United States  

This survey is being conducted by Quantisoft, LLC as an independent survey company on behalf of Your Company.

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