Township of Verona Community Survey/Municipal Survey Comments
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Trash Removal
Quadrant You Live In Age Years Living in Verona Comments
North East 30 to 45 Under 1 confusing recycling program
North East 30 to 45 Over 10 the way the empty garbage cans are discarded by the maintenance group can be dangerous when cans are not replaced on the sidewalk, but in the street where they can blow infront of cars in the road.
North East Over 60 Over 10 It would be nice if the vendor came at an hour a bit later than 5:30AM
North West 30 to 45 Over 10 The garbage company needs to collect garbage from the side of the road, not ride the yellow lines and collect from both sides of the roadway, this is dangerous for other motorists as well as the collector himself.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 It was nicer when they came to the back door to get the trash cans because the cans were not rolling all over the place but they do pick up timely.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 The current collectors do NOT pick up the trash they drop on the street. Their primary focus is speed and we've had them as early as 5:00 AM on our street making excessive noise with the trucks compactor.
North West Over 60 6 to 10 The current guys are friendly and do a good job. Keep this contract.
South East 30 to 45 1 to 5 They often leave cans in the street with lids tossed far away. Why? This is a hazard for drivers as well as citizens who have to go into busy streets at rush hour to retrieve them.
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 The new people throw your cans and are not nearly as neat or nice as the previous company
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 they take everything, which is great. (they also seem to be willing to help when i have come across the men.)
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 Since the town has aquired the new trash service it has gotten better, however, at this end of town we are still the last to be picked up late in the day sometimes still forgotten. The extreme pickiness as to what they will pick up has gotten worse. Allowing some building material on large pick up day would be a pleasure.
South East 46 to 60 1 to 5 Leaf removal is a problem.
South East 46 to 60 6 to 10 Although they crushed one of our plastic trashcans last week.
South East 46 to 60 Over 10 The recycle team regularly misses my property.
South East 46 to 60 Over 10 township efforts through contract negotiations to have pick-up later in the day rather than between 6-8 am is very much appreciated as a qualifty of life issue, rathen being woken up between 6-7 am by early morning pick-up.
South West 30 to 45 6 to 10 There have been missed pickups but overall it is satisfactory. I recommend enforcing shop owners to clean up properties on Bloomfield Ave. They should be told to police for litter around their properties.
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 Removal times are erratic. Cans are tossed everywhere and the trucks drive down the middle of the street without regard to traffic.
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 garbage men never come at th same time from week to week
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 the people have no regard for our garbage cans...they are literally thrown and where ever they land they stay..
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 They don't come at the crack of dawn like other companies we have used. They do a good job of taking the trash and they don't beat up on your garbage cans either.
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 My only complaint here is that after the trah is collected, the streets are lines with empty trash barrels and it looks very unsightly.
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 They throw the pails in the street or on the lawns. Why can't they put them back where they removed them.
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 the cans arounf town are dirty, rat infested, not emptied on a timely basis and nerver cleaned. You hate to go near them
South West Over 60 Over 10 when paper is collected it is often all over the street

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