Township of Verona Community Survey/Municipal Survey Comments
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Adequacy of Recreational Facilities
Quadrant You Live In Age Years Living in Verona Comments
Unanswered 30 to 45 6 to 10 Verona's recreation program for children is excellent. The offerings are well thought our for every age group and far superior to surrounding towns.
North East 30 to 45 Under 1 One of the reasons why we chose to buy in Verona
North East 30 to 45 6 to 10 Verona pool is one of the nicest public facilities I have ever seen, and a bargain for the money.
North East 30 to 45 Over 10 We have no field space and what little we have is a joke. I am embarassed when we are the home team. The stands are gross and even our new consession stand is gross. We truly are known as hillbillies and that is nothing to be proud about.
North East 30 to 45 Over 10 utilize the Verona Park's open space for a lacrosse field ! Baseball gets such preferencial treatment for field space & maintenance financially( & even verbally - Mr. Gennario - SHAME on you) in this town (the fiasco over the over expenditure that was originally supposed to cost under $50,000 & eventually ran upwards of 175,000 was an expansion of a baseball field, right? )it borders on discrimination.
North East 30 to 45 Over 10 Parking situation at the community center is terrible.
North East 30 to 45 Over 10 We only have the VCC. We have no place for our youths to go on a Friday or Saturday night. Enough with the senior citizens already.
North East 46 to 60 Over 10 Would love to see us have a dog park!
North East 46 to 60 Over 10 If the Hilltop Plan progresses, I understand that part of the Verona proposal is to add several recreational fields near Linn Drive. I think that more outdoor field space is what we need and this would address that.
North West 30 to 45 Over 10 The fields are great, but with the Linn Drive pump station construction going on, it really takes away from the parking for functions at Linn Drive.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 The staff at the recreation dept. are very helpful.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 There should be an indoor gym and pool
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 Effort seems to be made to accomodate each age group and all suggestions are given careful consideration
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 I think Verona has wonderful recreational facilities for us which helps make this a great town to live in.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 don't use
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 While the Community Center is a great addition, the town desperately needs more athletic fields.
North West 46 to 60 Over 10 After visiting several towns, Verona's athletic facilities are significantly inferior to most towns' of similiar size and income.
North West Over 60 6 to 10 Running track is great. I use it several times a week.
South East 30 to 45 1 to 5 Take the baseball fields at Laning and turn them into soccer and lacrosse fields. These field are only used by baseball duting the preseason and are not used for games. It's though on the younger soccer and lacrosse players to paly on the dirt
South East 30 to 45 1 to 5 Need more baseball fields. Restroom facilities would help.
South East 30 to 45 6 to 10 This town has forgotten that there are female athletes that live here too. The boys football and baseball teams seem to control the limited field space that is available. How about equal field and gym time for all sports! Suggestion how about a soccer and lacrosse field at Verona Park.
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 Fields and gym space need to be given out more fairly....we don't need more. We just need to fairly give out space. We need to offer less free stuff and start making participants pay more. We have too much.
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 This question should be broken down to REMOVE the parking aspect. Lots of people only care about parking and forget the field space, lights and other issues are MUCH more important. Parking needs to be separated so the people that must park in great spot do not weigh the survey negative against all the positive.
South East 30 to 45 Over 10 would like more areas for youth recreation. it promots various good having kids being able to assemble and join in on a 'team' regardless of their choice of sport. an area for lacross and hockey(open area, not an indoor rink) should be at the priority.
South East 46 to 60 6 to 10 More fields should be developed because many of the kids' teams are practicing now in the Spring and Summer as well as the Fall.
South East Over 60 Over 10 More playing fields are required and better maintenance of those that we now have.
South West 30 to 45 1 to 5 Not enough field space for all activities offered.
South West 30 to 45 6 to 10 The quality of these facilities is terrible compared with other local towns. The condition of bleachers, and baseball dugout, at Linn Drive and the playing fields is a discrace. While some fields are in good conditions some are in serious need of repair
South West 30 to 45 6 to 10 The Township currently has a shortage of playing fields to accomodate all youth activities. We need to plan for another field to handle the many programs that desperately need it.
South West 30 to 45 6 to 10 More field space is needed.
South West 30 to 45 6 to 10 more fields need to be made available for female sports specifically lacrosse - football and baseball are not the only sports in town -
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 don't use
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 we need more fields
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 i have been coaching youth football and basketball in this town for several years,and dont understand the lack of concern of the facilities for the youth sports in town..
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 Too many teams, not enough fields and gyms.
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 More open gym time in the evening for the kids....informal basketball?
South West 30 to 45 Over 10 could always use more
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 Whenever they get around to fixing the A/C in the community center, they should extend it into the gym. It gets way too hot for the kids during summer programs.
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 Increased number of fields for sports, and more parking
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 More playing fields needed for children's activities
South West 46 to 60 Over 10 we need more fields and more activities for your youth
South West Over 60 Over 10 community center has very few activities for adults. Gym and exercise facitities are needed for adults.

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