Association Member Surveys/Association Surveys
Association Opinion Surveys/Association Satisfaction Surveys
Information and Insight for Increasing
Member Growth, Satisfaction and Loyalty
Your association's members know what it is like to be a member of your association. They have information, insight and opinions about the services, information and value they receive as members.
Your association's members know what can be done to improve your association's services, communications with members and other criteria important to achieving their satisfaction and loyalty.
While associations may be aware of the need to take action and make improvements to become more competitive, they often miss important hidden actions that can really make a difference for members. That's where Quantisoft's member surveys come in, uncovering the hidden perceptions and information associations need to become even more successful.
Why Your Association Should Conduct an Association Member Satisfaction Survey/Association Opinion Survey/Association Survey
Association surveys/association member satisfaction surveys provide the information and insight you need to keep existing members and attract new members. Here are compelling reasons demonstrating the payback from association member satisfaction surveys:
- It costs much more to attract new members than it costs to keep existing members
- Most dissatisfied members don't complain directly to the association
- But when members are dissatisfied, most complain to friends and business associates
- Some dissatisfied members remain as members, but become less engaged and loyal
- Other dissatisfied members leave
- Loyal members recommend your association to friends and business associates and use more of your association's services
Types of Quantisoft Association Member Satisfaction/Association Opinion Surveys
- Member satisfaction surveys customized to your association's industry, members and special considerations
- Periodic surveys (e.g. semi-annual or annual) providing feedback about member satisfaction with various aspects of their experience with your association
- Transaction and incident surveys providing feedback on how well specific member purchase, service, event and other transactions were handled
- Customized member surveys to meet your association's special information/feedback needs and about specific or general issues
Association Survey/Association Member Satisfaction Survey/Association Opinion Survey Metrics
Association member satisfaction and association opinion survey ratings provide a clear picture of current and ongoing levels of performance and satisfaction. Member comments and suggestions provide highly actionable information and insight for achieving breakthrough results.
Association member survey/association opinion survey metrics typically include the following and other service and performance criteria, depending on the type of association member survey being conducted and the industry:
- Member loyalty
- Association image
- What changes should be made to currently offered services
- What additional services do members want from the association
- Satisfaction with programs, conferences and other events offered by the association
- Willingness of members to recommend your association, its products and services
- Ease and time required to contact a service representative with inquiries and problems
- Waiting time when members call or e-mail
- Timeliness of problem resolution
- Courtesy/attitude/professionalism of association staff members
- Knowledge of association contact staff
- Creativity of association staff members
- Communications effectiveness with members
- Empowerment of association sales and service staff
- Effectiveness of problem and complaint resolution
- Member awareness and satisfaction with products and services
- Satisfaction levels of members sorted by their demographics
- Satisfaction levels of members sorted by your association's demographics (location, sales and service representative, etc.)
- Satisfaction with access and hours of operation of sales and service locations
- Satisfaction with the association's service environment and policies
- Timelines in meeting deadlines
Association Survey Reports
Association survey reports include graphs, tabular summary reports and comments reports for your association overall and by member demographics. Reports provided with your second and subsequent association member surveys include trend reports comparing data from the most recent association member opinion survey with data from your previous association opinion surveys.
Benefits of Quantisoft's Association Surveys/Association Member Satisfaction Surveys/Association Opinion Surveys
Quantisoft's association member satisfaction surveys/association opinion surveys generate significant bottom-line benefits and a very strong payback:
- Learn what it takes to achieve breakthrough increases in member satisfaction, loyalty, and retention
- Gain insight for attracting new members
- Identify cross-sales opportunities
- Discover ideas for new products and services
- Gain insight for prioritizing performance improvement initiatives and projects
- Make significant improvements in member service and sales attribute performance including timeliness, professionalism, courtesy, knowledge, communications with members, problem resolution effectiveness, etc.
- Enhance members' experience with your association
- Increase service quality and productivity
- Make better, more objective decisions based on member feedback
- Identify problems and opportunities by location, communication channel, and other criteria
- Identify and fix recurring problems impacting members
- Send an important message to members and association employees that association management cares about members and their opinions
- Become more competitive
Maximizing Association Member Satisfaction and Loyalty
Association surveys/association member satisfaction surveys play a key role in identifying sources of member satisfaction and dissatisfaction, and defining member requirements of your association. Whether your association has a small or large membership comprised of individuals or businesses, conducting an association survey is a very cost effective way to gather important information and insight from your members. Taking action based on association survey results increases member satisfaction and retention, as well as enhancing the reputation of your association, leading to increased membership growth
Your association may also benefit from other types of
online surveys such as employee satisfaction surveys and employee engagement surveys conducted by Quantisoft.