Why Choose Quantisoft for Online Employee Surveys,
Customer Surveys, Enterprise Risk and
IT Customer Satisfaction Survey Solutions?
Cost-effective Online Survey and Customer Survey Solutions
Providing the Information, Insight and Answers You Need
Since 1999 we have been helping organizations to gather information and insight for making better, more objective decisions, and for boosting performance and competitiveness. We customize surveys to meet your needs.
What differentiates us is our:
- Ability to clearly define your needs for gathering information and insight
- Responsiveness
- Survey experience and expertise
- Insightful analysis
- Experience in boosting the response rate
- Timely delivery of results reports
- Attention to important details
- Affordable pricing
- Customization to meet our customers' special information needs
- Practical advice based on extensive experience
- Outside, objective perspective
- Comparative survey benchmarking database
Our customers can choose from our standard survey questionnaires, or have us tailor their surveys to meet their special information gathering needs.