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Quantisoft - NJOD Holistic Organizational Effectiveness Survey©
Rating Distribution Report

The rating distribution interpretation is as follows:

Overall Rating Interpretation
4.50 and higher High rating - some opportunity for improvement
4.00 - 4.49 Moderate rating - moderate opportunity for improvement
3.99 and lower Low rating - significant opportunity for improvement

To see the rating disribution graph for a particular question, click on the question text in the left column of the table.

Question Rating Effective Somewhat Effective Neutral Somewhat ineffective Ineffective Don't know
All Questions 3.45            
Ensure Accuracy/Integrity of Financial/Operational Measurements/Reporting 4.29 43.77 26.42 7.55 4.53 1.13 16.60
Provide Safe/Productive Work Environments 4.26 42.64 37.74 12.08 1.89 0.75 4.91
Foster Culture of Ethical Behavior with Employees/Customers/Suppliers/Communities 4.26 50.94 31.32 7.92 6.04 1.89 1.89
Make Employee/Customer Safety a Top Priority Always 4.20 46.04 26.79 15.85 3.02 1.89 6.42
Conduct Independent/Objective Internal/External Audits to Ensure Regulatory Compliance 4.19 41.13 25.28 10.19 4.15 2.26 16.98
Ensure Accountability for Business Ethics Among Employees 4.18 47.17 26.04 9.81 7.17 2.26 7.55
Develop/Keep Organization's Mission/Vision/Values Relevant 4.13 41.89 39.62 7.17 6.79 2.64 1.89
Take Action on Directives from Board 4.11 30.19 25.28 11.70 3.02 1.51 28.30
Demonstrate Passion for/Meet/Exceed Expectations of Customers 4.01 37.74 36.60 13.58 8.68 1.89 1.51
Analyze/Act On Financial Data/Results to Increase Business Performance 3.98 33.58 30.19 10.94 7.17 3.40 14.72
Ensure Corporate Governance is Independent/Engaged/Carrying Out Roles Effectively 3.95 28.68 24.53 10.94 3.77 4.53 27.55
Address Crisis Situations Urgently/Ethically with Timely Communications to All Affected 3.95 38.11 35.09 8.68 6.79 6.79 4.53
Prepare Realistic Annual/Long-Term Financial Plans to Avoid Need for Excessive Risks 3.91 32.08 29.06 10.57 8.68 3.77 15.85
Have Tested/Comprehensive Organization-Wide Contingency/Disaster Recovery Plan 3.87 24.15 28.30 9.06 4.91 4.91 28.68
Meet Increasing Expectations for Socially Responsible/Sustainable Business Practices 3.84 27.17 32.08 14.72 7.17 3.77 15.09
Minimize Negative Impact of Products/Processes/Services on the Environment 3.84 26.42 33.58 13.21 6.42 4.53 15.85
Protect Against Intellectual Property Theft 3.83 26.04 31.70 16.98 7.92 2.64 14.72
Provide Board with Comprehensive/Unfiltered Information for Making Appropriate/Informed Decisions 3.82 24.15 20.00 15.85 4.15 4.15 31.70
Manage Organization's Assets to Achieve Long-Term Growth/Competitiveness/Profitability 3.80 30.19 35.85 15.47 8.30 5.66 4.53
Be Proactive in How Organization Addresses Environmental Sustainability Issues 3.80 24.91 32.08 18.11 4.53 4.91 15.47
Focus Organization on Identifying/Meeting/Exceeding Customer Expectations 3.77 29.43 38.49 13.58 11.32 5.28 1.89
Adapt to New/Changing Regulations While Minimizing Impact on Organization's Performance 3.74 22.64 39.25 16.98 8.68 4.15 8.30
Align/Execute Strategies to Meet Financial Goals/Be Consistent with Core Values 3.73 30.57 35.85 11.70 15.09 4.91 1.89
Define/Strengthen/Communicate Organization's Brand Internally/Externally 3.72 28.68 39.25 12.08 14.72 4.91 0.38
Develop Strategies for Executing Changes to Compete Effectively/Achieve Mission/Vision/Values 3.72 24.53 46.42 7.55 15.09 4.91 1.51
Develop Skills/Competencies to Support Socially Responsible Practices/Ethics/Governance 3.71 25.66 32.08 17.36 10.19 4.53 10.19
Use Capital/Human/Other Resources/Assets in Responsible/Efficient Manner 3.70 25.66 33.96 15.85 10.94 5.28 8.30
Communicate Organization's Mission/Vision/Values to Inspire/Engage Employees 3.68 30.19 38.87 8.30 12.45 9.43 0.75
Define Clear/Attainable Individual/Organizational Objectives 3.67 23.02 43.77 12.83 12.08 6.04 2.26
Provide Timely/Knowledgeable Technology Support to Facilitate Productivity/Customer Support 3.66 26.04 37.74 12.45 13.96 6.04 3.77
Create Sense of Urgency About Achieving Organizational Objectives 3.62 27.55 37.74 10.57 13.58 9.06 1.51
Overall Effectiveness of Senior Leadership Team 3.60 22.26 42.64 12.08 16.23 5.66 1.13
Strengthen Processes/Quality/Customer Service for Customer Satisfaction/Acquisition/Retention/Profit 3.60 18.87 41.51 15.47 15.47 3.40 5.28
Achieve Balance Between Long-Term Investments/Critical Decisions and Shorter-Term Objectives 3.57 25.66 33.58 14.34 17.74 6.04 2.64
Embed Socially Responsible Values/Results in Corporate Drivers/Key Metrics 3.56 22.64 29.06 13.58 12.08 7.55 15.09
Identify/Attract Leadership Talent 3.50 18.87 38.11 16.60 17.74 4.91 3.77
Be Accessible to Talk with People About Important Business Issues 3.50 26.42 30.94 15.47 16.60 9.06 1.51
Build Strong Sales Culture/Align Organization to Support Sales Growth/Excellence 3.48 15.47 34.72 21.51 7.92 7.92 12.45
Ensure Employees Have Skills/Abilities to Meet Demands of Business 3.47 15.09 42.26 18.87 14.34 6.42 3.02
Select/Monitor Suppliers/Business Partners to Ensure Effective Support of Mission/Vision/Values 3.46 14.34 35.09 22.64 10.57 6.04 11.32
Match Right People to Right Positions 3.46 12.83 45.66 16.23 16.23 5.28 3.77
Strengthen Organization's "Employer of Choice" Reputation 3.45 17.74 38.11 17.74 15.85 7.17 3.40
Innovate to Stay Ahead of Competition 3.43 17.36 37.74 20.00 15.09 7.55 2.26
Support/Respect Employee Work/Personal Life Balance 3.43 24.15 31.70 15.47 17.74 9.81 1.13
Enhance Productivity/Performance Culture 3.43 15.85 38.11 22.26 14.34 6.79 2.64
Eliminate Fear/Discrimination Throughout Organization 3.43 22.64 31.70 18.87 13.96 10.57 2.26
Gather/Use Competitive Intelligence to Guard Against Being Blind-Sided by Competitive Forces 3.43 17.74 32.45 20.38 11.70 8.68 9.06
Demonstrate/Expect from Others Leadership Courage/Decision Making/Problem Solving 3.42 23.40 30.94 18.49 14.72 10.94 1.51
Retain High-Performing People 3.42 20.75 35.47 12.45 18.11 9.43 3.77
Implement Information Technology for Productivity/Information Access/Security/Quality/Support 3.40 17.36 35.47 17.36 13.58 9.43 6.79
Engage Employees/Focus Resources to Execute Strategies/Achieve Objectives 3.40 19.62 34.72 18.11 19.62 7.17 0.75
Identify/Adopt/Integrate New Technologies for Competitive Advantage 3.37 15.85 39.62 17.74 16.98 8.68 1.13
Achieve High Trust/Respect Level Between Senior Leadership and Employees 3.37 22.26 35.09 10.57 17.74 12.83 1.51
Strengthen Culture of Collaboration/Resiliency/Agility/Adapting to Change 3.36 16.98 36.98 15.09 19.25 8.30 3.40
Foster Continuous Learning/Knowledge Sharing 3.35 18.49 33.96 16.60 20.00 8.30 2.64
Awareness of Broadly Defined Organizational Effectiveness Issues Identified in Survey 3.35 16.60 37.36 12.83 17.74 9.81 5.66
Hire/Promote/Retain Diverse Workforce at All Organizational Levels 3.35 17.74 35.09 16.60 16.60 10.19 3.77
Have Board and C-Suite Driven ERM Program to Assess Organization's Risk Culture/Key Risk Areas 3.34 15.09 16.60 15.09 6.04 9.81 37.36
Use Information Technology to Support Learning/Innovation 3.33 18.11 35.09 14.72 19.25 9.81 3.02
Encourage/Support Collaborative Partnerships Across Organizational Boundaries 3.33 15.47 33.58 20.00 19.62 6.79 4.53
Provide Compensation Plan That Does Not Reward Inappropriate Risk Taking 3.33 12.83 21.89 28.30 9.06 6.42 21.51
Build Skills/Competencies in Multi-Cultural Sensitivity and Support Diversity Across Organization 3.33 16.98 30.57 24.53 14.34 9.43 4.15
Develop/Retain Leadership Talent 3.33 17.74 34.34 16.98 18.49 9.81 2.64
Manage Change to Implement Strategies/Compete Successfully 3.31 15.09 35.47 18.87 22.64 6.42 1.51
Align Strategies/People/Structures/Systems/Processes to Meet Work/Customer Demands 3.29 15.85 29.43 20.75 21.51 6.04 6.42
Position Enterprise M&A/Strategic Partnerships for Success from Cultural Perspective 3.29 12.83 23.77 21.51 11.70 7.55 22.64
Be Aware of/Sensitive to Needs of Employees 3.28 19.62 35.09 12.45 17.74 14.34 0.75
Facilitate Smart Risk-Taking 3.23 13.96 29.43 23.02 18.49 8.68 6.42
Help Employees/Internal Organizations Adapt to Changes/Be More Resilient to Technological Change 3.22 12.08 35.47 18.49 20.38 9.06 4.53
Provide Technology Training to Enable Employee Productivity/Value from Technology 3.20 14.34 31.32 19.62 18.49 11.32 4.91
Share Essential Business Knowledge Across Organizations/Functions 3.20 12.83 34.34 18.49 18.49 11.32 4.53
Build Organizational Systems/Structures to Support Employee Engagement/Satisfaction/Performance 3.19 15.09 29.43 20.38 21.89 9.81 3.40
Availability of Expertise/Resources to Assess/Ensure Broadly Defined Organizational Effectiveness 3.19 14.34 30.57 16.23 21.51 10.19 7.17
Implement Employee/Customer Friendly Business Processes to Enable Efficient/Effective Transactions 3.17 12.83 28.68 24.91 21.89 7.92 3.77
Assess IT Customer Satisfaction to Ensure IT Effectiveness/Employee Performance Using Technology 3.17 11.32 30.94 15.85 15.09 12.08 14.72
Provide Timely/Specific/Accurate Performance Feedback to Employees 3.16 14.72 29.81 18.11 25.28 9.06 3.02
Current Overall Level of Organizational Effectiveness 3.16 13.21 28.30 22.26 24.15 7.55 4.53
Make Targeted/High-Impact Development of People a Priority 3.15 15.85 29.81 15.85 21.89 12.83 3.77
Assess Ongoing Employee Satisfaction/Engagement and Make Changes Based on Findings 3.14 14.72 35.85 10.94 18.49 16.60 3.40
Senior Leaders Connected/Know What Is Going on at All Levels in Organization 3.12 13.96 33.58 14.72 23.77 12.83 1.13
Reinforce Organization's Values Through Reward/Recognition Systems 3.12 12.08 30.94 18.11 20.75 11.70 6.42
Manage/Constructively Resolve Conflict 3.06 10.57 26.79 21.89 23.77 9.43 7.55
Address Organizational Culture During Realignments/Consolidations/Mergers/Acquisitions 3.05 12.08 28.68 14.72 20.75 13.58 10.19
Use Broad Range of Balanced Scorecard Measurements to Ensure Continuous Improvement 3.05 13.21 28.68 12.08 22.26 13.96 9.81
Overall Approach for Continuously Increasing Organizational Effectiveness 3.03 13.58 26.42 16.23 24.91 12.83 6.04
Build Skills for Workforce Innovation/Flexibility 3.03 12.45 25.66 24.15 22.26 12.83 2.64
Reward/Compensate Employees Based on Individual/Organizational Performance/Value Added 3.02 10.57 31.70 17.36 21.51 14.72 4.15
Assess Organizational Effectiveness Holistically 3.01 12.45 28.30 15.09 22.26 15.09 6.79
Facilitate Innovation/Empower Employees to Recommend Innovations/Improvements 3.00 14.72 26.04 15.09 27.55 13.96 2.64
Overall Approach for Assessing Organizational Effectiveness 2.98 12.08 25.66 20.00 24.15 13.58 4.53
Integrate Acquired/Merged Organizations to Achieve "One Organization" Profile 2.97 9.06 21.51 19.62 16.60 12.83 20.38
Solve Organizational Problems Systemically 2.95 10.94 30.57 16.23 24.53 16.60 1.13
Provide Compensation Plan That Changes with Changing Needs for Talent Acquisition/Retention 2.86 10.57 21.13 19.25 21.13 16.60 11.32
Eliminate Organizational Silos/Internal Politics as Barriers to Organizational Effectiveness 2.74 9.06 24.91 12.08 32.08 18.11 3.77
Identify/Deal With Low-Performing Managers/Employees 2.65 7.92 25.28 10.19 27.55 23.02 6.04
Create Knowledge Management Systems So Critical Knowledge Retained When People Leave 2.62 7.92 20.75 17.36 24.91 23.77 5.28
Use HR/OD Scorecard to Assess/Ensure HR's/OD's Ongoing Effectiveness 2.29 7.17 10.57 14.72 12.83 34.34 20.38
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